Selasa, 30 April 2013

Windows 9 Will Present in November 2014?

Windows 9 Illustration
Windows 9, OS programmed by Microsoft is rumored to be released in November 2014. However, before Windows 9 is later released, there will be a new OS after Windows 8 recently leaned, namely Windows Blue.

Windows Blue will be a major update of Windows 8 later. Windows Blue itself said to be released in mid-2013's. This news airings because Microsoft's own truth reinforced openings to jointly develop Internet Explorer that comes with Windows will be 9 this to its final version.

For Windows 9 itself, is actually rumored to have developed since August last year.
9 The Windows operating system will be developed for smartphones and touch-screen devices such as tablet computers and iPad.

However, until now this news is still a maze, there has been no official word from Microsoft about Windows 9 or Windows Blue.

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